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NETNPA Flood Relief Charitable Outreach

Posted about 2 months ago by Alicia Frasure

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At the October 2024 Business Meeting it was a unanimous decision to allot the 4th Quarter Charitable Outreach and ALL four quarters for 2025’s Charitable Outreach monetary allotments to Hurricane Helene relief efforts in our area.  

It was discussed that we will support local organizations who are helping those who have suffered losses from Helene. 

Currently our Quarterly Charitable Outreach donations are 300$ per quarter.  Since it was voted unanimously during the meeting, NETNPA will be donating 1500$ (5 quarters x 300$) to local flood relief efforts in our community.

Additionally, it was decided that we would support local, non-profit organizations rather than donate to national or other large organizations (such as Red Cross, etc.)

Many members also asked if they, as individuals, could donate money to the NETNPA outreach as well, which the answer is ABSOLUTELY!!!  We appreciate the interest in helping our local communities who have been devastated by this (unfortunate) historic event.  

IF you would like to donate individually to the NETNPA Flood Relief outreach, we have included a QR Code that you can use to Zelle money to our Eastman account.  In the memo line of the donation please include NETNPA Flood Donation.  These funds will be transferred to the NETNPA business account and added to the 1500$ Charitable Outreach flood relief funds.

We discussed how to distribute the fund allotments and will be sending a Survey Monkey for those to weigh in on how they would like to distribute the funds.

Example of what we are Referring to include: $750 to two organizations or $300 to 5 organizations. We will send a Survey Monkey to gather General preferences regarding how to distribute the monies. 

Additionally, we need members to send us names/recommendations of local charities who are assisting with flood relief efforts they think would benefit from NETNPA’s donation.

What we need from you…

–Send us names/recommendations of local charities that would benefit

–If interested, donate to the Charitable Outreach fund by using the QR Code 

–Participate in the Survey Monkey to provide feedback so that we can support our local community

Deadline for suggestions of local organizations/charities you would like NETNPA to consider is OCTOBER 31st 2024.  We realize this is a short window, but we want our outreach to be timely.

You should expect a Survey Monkey announcement to go out the first week of November.  Voting will be open for a week.  Our goal is to be able to provide our contribution to the community no later than November 11th.  The Survey Monkey window will not be open for a lengthy time as we want to help our community ASAP.

Please note: As a non-profit we cannot contribute to individuals or individual families.  
We need our donations to go to other local, non-profit organizations.  
We also feel that humans and animals both need our help during this time, so we will continue with our tradition of helping humans and animals in need with our Charitable Outreach.

THANK YOU ALL for everything that you do as Nurses and Nurse Practitioners for our community.  We are always NURSES first and caring for others in their time of need is part of why we chose this profession.  We are happy that everybody is supportive and encouraging of this initiative.

EMAIL your recommendations to: or COMMENT on this post.  Again, the deadline for this is Halloween October 31st at the end of day.



I would LOVE to see some of that go to the moose lodge in elizabethton. They have been organizing community commodities and meals- taking four wheelers and atvs up into the mountains to reach people who can’t get out from the floods who need items and food!

Alicia Frasure 12 minutes ago

That's a great idea Crystal! And there may be organizations who are helping both people and pets. Hopefully we will get some more people to send in their ideas of places to help!

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