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Elections for Vice President and Treasurer

Posted 7 months ago by Alicia Frasure

We will hold elections for Vice President and Treasurer prior to the September 2024 Meeting.

If you are interested in running for either of these offices please let us know.  Both positions are 2 year terms.

The Vice President role assists the Board with planning and coordinating the monthly meetings for NETNPA.  

The Treasurer assists with maintaining the financial records of NETNPA.  Duties include keeping up with balances, filing annual taxes, and helping support our initiatives of Quarterly Charitable Outreach and budgeting for the Holiday Social and Scholarship disbursment.

If you are interested in either of these positions please email us at

All Board members must be current with their annual membership dues.  Candidates are required to be paid members of NETNPA.

Deadline for expressing interest in running for one of these positions is Friday, September 13th 2024.