Stay Connected

Exciting Things Are Happening!

Posted over 1 year ago by Alicia Frasure

Wanted to provide a quick update on a couple of things you may have seen come across your email in the past month...

1st--The NETNPA Board is hard at work planning and organizing this year's Holiday Social.  We have the venue secured and are working on gathering items for our drawings.  In addition to some fabulous things we have lined up as gifts from the NETNPA Board, we have also gotten several generous gifts from the local community. A preview of some local donors include: Main Street Pizza, Aubrey's, Luke's Pizza, Orange Theory Fitness, Klacie's Candles & Boutique, AMC Theater, and Lifestyle Fitness.  

Remember, the Holiday Social is open to paid members only, so be sure to renew or join so that you can participate.  Save the Date for the Holiday Social which will take place on Wednesday, December 14th at The Gallery in Johnson City (located in/above Southern Craft).

2nd--Save the Date for our Buff City Soap (Johnson City) event happening on Wednesday, October 19th from 4pm to 7pm.  Buff City Soap will generously donate portions of sales made during that time to NETNPA's general fund.  So come get some early holiday shopping done (or treat yourself) and support us!

We hope to see you at the October Business Meeting on Thursday, October 20th.